Are Tarot Cards Witchcraft: What The Akashic Records Have To Say About It

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Are you wondering if there is any connection between Tarot cards and witchcraft?

This article will shed light on this topic!

In this blog post, I will explore the history of tarot cards and witchcraft, the role of tarot cards in witchcraft, the different types of tarot cards used in witchcraft and the other perspectives from the Akashic records.

So, are Tarot cards witchcraft?

Tarot cards were originally created in the 15th century as a game in Italy.

However, they soon became associated with divination and fortune-telling.

In the 18th century, tarot cards were introduced to the world of occultism and witchcraft.

The cards were seen as a tool for communicating with the divine and for gaining insight into the future.

The role of tarot cards in witchcraft is multifaceted. They are used for divination, spellcasting, and meditation.

Tarot cards can help witches gain insight into their own lives and the lives of others. They can also be used to communicate with spirits and deities.

In divination, tarot cards are shuffled and laid out in a specific pattern to gain insight into a situation or question.

The images on the cards are interpreted to provide guidance and clarity.

Tarot card readings can help witches make decisions about their lives and provide them with a deeper understanding of themselves and their circumstances.

Tarot cards are also used in spell casting. Each card can represent different aspects of a spell, such as the intention, the energy, and the outcome.

By incorporating tarot cards into spellwork, witches can enhance their spells and tap into the symbolic power of the cards.

Meditation is another way in which tarot cards are used in witchcraft practice.

The images on the cards can serve as a focus for the mind, helping witches to enter a meditative state and connect with their intuition.

By meditating on a specific card or set of cards, witches can gain insight and clarity.

There are many different types of tarot cards used in witchcraft practice.

The most common type is the Rider-Waite tarot deck, which was created in the early 20th century.

This deck features vibrant and detailed illustrations that are rich in symbolism. Other popular decks include the Thoth tarot deck, the Marseille tarot deck, and the Wild Unknown tarot deck.

Each deck has its own unique style and interpretation of the tarot archetypes.

Akashic Records On Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are the most magnificent divination tool you could ever find on the planet.

They have a completely different system from what you have seen so far. Tarot cards are not meant to harm - they are meant to help.

Tarot is meant to show the way through the reader, to shed light for the one who is asking.

You need to be the person of light in order to radiate life. If you are practising dark arts - Tarot cards will show exactly the darkness in you.

It's not that Tarot cards are bad or evil - it's the reader. Tarot cards are meant to ease the journey of the person in question.

People were using the cards for decades and centuries as it was the tool for all reasons.

You have to understand that those witches and sorcerers who started using the Tarot were not with the light.

And so they have all "their beings" from the other side supporting them as well.

You need to be a good practitioner for the reading to be correct. You need to understand each and every meaning of the card.

You'll have to be intuitive as a reader. And you have to understand that you need to be the "chosen one" for the Tarot cards.

They choose you and not vice versa. If you are with the light, you can also provide healing through the Tarot cards.

You can use Akashic records with other divination tools. For the purposes of help.

Some people might use them for fortunetelling or future guessing. It might be more dangerous than you think because of the reader.

You as a reader - must provide different paths for the person in question for them to choose their own way.

Instead, some readers today are giving only one way as a solution.

One way, one path of life. And this wrong, and for that reason, this is why the person in question falls into the "trap" of believing that this is the only way that is going to happen to them.

And that is the very danger of fortune-telling in the Tarot.

If you want to help the person then you need to provide a few solutions or ways.

Find a few directions for every question. For example of the person is asking, "when am I going to get married?"

You are meant to give a few directions to one situation, then you take another situation, and then you take a third situation in order for the person to choose their own way.

Nothing is written in stone and we are encouraging you to choose the way you want to live this life.

It's not the tool that is dangerous - it's the very tarot card reader as they might not be as competent as you might need them to be.

Can you use the Akashic records and the Tarot cards at the same time giving the person a reading?

You can. However, if you want to combine those two methods you need to understand that those are two different methods and two different points of view.

The Akashic records need to give you permission to do that.

The Guardian of the Tarot cards is Pythia - the goddess of meditation and fortune-telling.

And the Akashic records have their own Masters and Guardians that hold the "library" For each you need non-verbal "permission.

What do I need to know about Tarot?

are tarot cards witchcraft
are tarot cards witchcraft

Tarot card readings are an important part of witchcraft practice.

They can provide insight into a situation or question and can help witches make decisions about their lives.

Tarot card readings can also be used to communicate with spirits and deities. By consulting the cards, witches can gain guidance and support from the spiritual realm.

Divination is an important part of witchcraft practice, and tarot cards are often used as a tool for divination.

Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or hidden information through supernatural means.

Tarot cards can provide insight into a situation or question and can help witches make decisions about their lives.

By interpreting the images on the cards, witches can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their circumstances.

Tarot cards can also be used in spell casting. Spells are rituals performed with the intention of manifesting a desired outcome.

Interpreting tarot cards is an important skill for witches. The images on the cards can have multiple meanings, and it is up to the witch to interpret them in the context of the question or situation.

Tarot card interpretation requires intuition, knowledge of symbolism, and an understanding of the individual cards.

By honing their interpretation skills, witches can gain a deeper understanding of the messages and guidance provided by the cards.

Using tarot cards in witchcraft practice requires a certain level of responsibility and ethics.

Witches must be mindful of the power of the cards and must use them in a respectful and ethical manner.

Tarot card readings should never be used to manipulate or harm others. It is important for witches to approach tarot card readings with integrity and to use the information gained from the cards for the highest good.

Incorporating tarot cards into witchcraft practice can have many benefits.

Tarot cards can provide insight into a situation or question, can help witches make decisions about their lives, and can be used to communicate with spirits and deities.

Additionally, tarot cards can be a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery.

By working with the cards, witches can gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their spiritual path.

In conclusion, tarot cards and witchcraft have a deep and enduring connection. Tarot cards are an important tool in witchcraft practice, used for divination, spellcasting, and meditation.

Understanding the history and significance of tarot cards in witchcraft can help witches deepen their practice and gain insight into their own lives.

By incorporating tarot cards into their practice, witches can tap into the symbolic power of the cards and gain guidance and support from the spiritual realm.

Photo by 'Helena Lopes' on

The Dark Side of Tarot: How It Can Ruin Your Life

Tarot has been a popular divination tool for centuries, with many people turning to it for guidance and insight.

However, while tarot can be a helpful tool, it also has a dark side that can lead to negative consequences.

I will explore the potential dangers of tarot and how it can ruin your life.

The power of suggestion:

One of the dangers of tarot is the power of suggestion.

Tarot readings can influence your decisions, leading you to make choices based on the cards rather than your own intuition.

This can be especially dangerous if you are vulnerable or easily swayed.

When you consult a tarot reader, they interpret the cards based on their own knowledge and experience.

They may provide you with insights and advice that seem convincing and accurate. However, it is important to remember that tarot readings are subjective interpretations and not absolute truths.

The power of suggestion can make you believe in the accuracy of the reading and influence your decisions accordingly.

For example, if a tarot reading suggests that you should end a relationship, you may feel compelled to do so even if deep down you are unsure.

This can lead to regret and unhappiness if you later realize that the decision was not in line with your true desires. It is important to use tarot as a tool for guidance, but ultimately trust your own intuition and judgment.

Obsession and addiction:

Another danger of tarot is when it becomes a crutch. Some people become obsessed with tarot, relying on it for answers to every question and decision.

This can lead to addiction and a lack of personal responsibility.

When you become dependent on tarot for answers, you may neglect your own ability to make decisions and take responsibility for your life.

This can lead to a loss of personal agency and a sense of helplessness.

It is important to remember that tarot should be used as a tool for guidance, not as a substitute for your own judgment and decision-making skills.

Furthermore, an obsession with tarot can consume your time, energy, and resources.

You may spend hours each day conducting readings or seeking out new decks and books.

This can lead to neglecting other important aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, and self-care. It is important to maintain a healthy balance and not let tarot take over your life.

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But be careful, as with any tattoo that you put on your body, you are imprinting it on your astral body, too.

It might have a big effect on your real life as well.

False hope and disappointment:

Tarot can also be dangerous when it gives false hope or leads to disappointment.

Relying on tarot for answers can be risky, as the cards are not always accurate or reliable.

This can lead to disappointment and disillusionment, which can be difficult to overcome.

When you receive a tarot reading that provides you with hope and optimism, it can be tempting to believe that your desired outcome is guaranteed.

However, it is important to remember that tarot readings are not set in stone and do not predict the future with certainty.

The cards can only provide guidance and insights based on the current circumstances and energies surrounding the situation.

If you place too much faith in tarot predictions, you may set yourself up for disappointment if things do not turn out as expected.

This can lead to feelings of frustration, sadness, and even anger towards the tarot reader or the cards themselves.

It is important to approach tarot with a realistic mindset and understand that it is just one tool among many for gaining insight into your life.

The dark arts:

There is also a potential for manipulation and exploitation in tarot readings.

Some unscrupulous readers may use tarot to manipulate their clients or exploit their vulnerabilities. This can lead to emotional and financial harm.

When seeking a tarot reading, it is important to choose a reputable and ethical reader who has your best interests at heart.

Unfortunately, there are individuals who may take advantage of vulnerable individuals by providing false information or making exaggerated claims.

They may use fear tactics or emotional manipulation to keep their clients dependent on their services.

It is important to be cautious and discerning when choosing a tarot reader. Do your research, read reviews, and trust your instincts.

If something feels off or if a reader is pressuring you into additional services or purchases, it is best to walk away.

Remember that tarot should be a tool for empowerment and self-discovery, not a means for someone else to control or exploit you.

The impact on mental health:

Tarot can exacerbate anxiety and depression, especially if you become obsessed with it or rely on it too heavily.

The uncertainty and unpredictability of tarot can be stressful and overwhelming, leading to negative mental health outcomes.

When you constantly seek answers from tarot, you may become fixated on the future and what it holds. This can create a sense of anxiety and restlessness as you try to control or predict the outcomes of your life.

The constant need for reassurance and guidance from tarot can take a toll on your mental well-being.

Furthermore, if you rely solely on tarot for decision-making, you may feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of making the "right" choice.

This can lead to analysis paralysis and a fear of making mistakes. It is important to remember that tarot should be used as a tool for guidance, but ultimately you are in control of your own life and decisions.

If you find that tarot is negatively impacting your mental health, it may be helpful to take a break or seek support from a mental health professional.

They can help you develop healthier coping mechanisms and provide guidance on how to use tarot in a way that is beneficial for your well-being.

Financial ruin:

Another danger of tarot is overspending on readings and related products. Some people become addicted to tarot and spend large amounts of money on readings, decks, and other related items.

This can lead to financial ruin and debt.

Tarot readings can be expensive, especially if you seek them frequently or from high-profile readers.

Additionally, there is a vast market for tarot decks, books, and accessories, which can be tempting to collect.

If you become addicted to tarot, you may find yourself spending beyond your means in order to satisfy your cravings.

It is important to set boundaries and establish a budget when it comes to tarot. Determine how much you are willing and able to spend on readings and related items, and stick to it.

Remember that tarot should be a tool for self-reflection and growth, not a drain on your finances.

Relationships and social isolation:

Tarot can also impact personal connections, leading to social isolation and strained relationships. If you become obsessed with tarot, you may withdraw from social activities and neglect your personal relationships.

When tarot becomes a central focus in your life, you may find it difficult to connect with others who do not share the same interest.

You may prioritize spending time alone with your cards or researching tarot-related topics over spending time with friends and loved ones. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Furthermore, if you constantly seek validation or advice from tarot, you may neglect the input and support of those around you.

This can strain relationships and create a sense of distance between you and your loved ones. It is important to maintain a healthy balance between your tarot practice and your personal relationships.

The danger of self-fulfilling prophecies:

Finally, tarot can be dangerous when it shapes your future through self-fulfilling prophecies.

If you believe that the cards are predicting your future, you may unconsciously make choices that lead to that outcome, even if it is not what you truly want.

When you receive a tarot reading that suggests a certain outcome or path, it can be difficult to separate your own desires and intentions from the influence of the cards.

If you believe that a certain outcome is inevitable, you may unintentionally make choices that align with that outcome, even if it goes against your true desires.

For example, if a tarot reading suggests that you will have a difficult time finding love, you may subconsciously sabotage potential relationships or avoid opportunities for connection.

This can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where you fulfil the expectations set by the tarot reading, even if it is not what you truly want.

It is important to approach tarot with a critical mindset and remember that you have the power to shape your own future.

The cards can provide guidance and insights, but ultimately it is up to you to make choices that align with your true desires and values.

While tarot can be a helpful tool, it is important to approach it with caution and balance.

The potential dangers of tarot include the power of suggestion, obsession and addiction, false hope and disappointment, manipulation and exploitation, negative impacts on mental health, financial ruin, social isolation, and self-fulfilling prophecies.

By being aware of these dangers and using tarot responsibly, you can avoid the potential negative consequences and enjoy the benefits of this ancient divination tool.

Remember to trust your own intuition and judgment, seek reputable readers, maintain a healthy balance, and prioritize your well-being above all else.